Cargo Protection

Cargo Protection

Choose Protection

Our cargo protection policies insure your goods from damages that may occur during transportation. We currently offer five levels of protection based on your needs.

Free Basic Advance Business Extra
Price $0 $19 $39 $59 $89
Coverage Limit ✔(up to $100) ✔(up to $1000) ✔(up to $5000) ✔(up to $10000) ✔(up to $50000)
Customer Support Email support within 72 hours Email support within 48 hours Email support within 24 hours Email and phone support 24/7 Email and phone support 24/7
Claims Time 30 Days 14 Days 7 Days 72 Hours 48 Hours

How to claim?

If your goods are unfortunately damaged during transportation, just follow the steps below to file a claim. We promise to handle your request swiftly and with the utmost care.

Download Claim Form

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If you have question with this process, feel free to contact with us.